
In this tutorial you will learn how to add a real-time RedCritter feed to your website using the downloadable assets provided above. You can follow along by watching the video or by reading the instructions below:


  1. Download and extract the contents of RCFeed.zip to your computer
  2. Open RCFeed.js and go to Line 5
  3. Set feedSubscription to your app's Public Key
  4. Open RCFeed.html and perform an API function to test
  5. Configure RCFeed.js and RCFeed.css to change the look of your feed


Can I subscribe to more than one App or App Domain?
You can use a pipe character (|) with no spaces between Public Keys to subscribe to more than one App or App Domain.

My images aren't showing up...
By default, images are displayed via Javascript without the 'http:' or 'https:' prefix. Try uploading your file to a development server to test.

I keep getting the error "Unable to connect to RedCritter Feed"
Check your internet connection or use a different browser, like Google Chrome.